Big Red Book
Celebrating television's This Is Your Life
James ZARB
THIS IS YOUR LIFE - James Zarb, businessman, was surprised by Eamonn Andrews in the audience at the BBC Television Theatre, having been led to believe he was there to talk about a proposal for writing a book.
James, who was born in Egypt to Maltese parents, served with the RAF during the Second World War, achieving the rank of Flight Sergeant. Following the war, he spent a year in Belgrade with the Military Mission before settling in Alexandra, Egypt, where he married, started a family, and established a successful business.
In August 1956, he was arrested on a charge 'of acting as a British Agent' and imprisoned in a Cairo jail. His case became a national news story after he was tried and served with a ten-year prison sentence. Following a lengthy campaign to clear him, orchestrated by the British press, he was released and allowed to join his family, who had relocated to England.
programme details...
on the guest list...
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from domestic cleaner to teacher
Photographs and screenshots of James Zarb This Is Your Life
Series 6 subjects
Leonard Cheshire | George Bennett | David Sheppard | Sybil Thorndike | Clarence Wolfe | Charles Coward | T E B Clarke