Big Red Book
Celebrating television's This Is Your Life
Gladys AYLWARD (1902-1970)
THIS IS YOUR LIFE - Gladys Aylward, missionary, was surprised by Eamonn Andrews at the BBC Television Theatre.
Having worked as a housemaid from an early age, Gladys spent her life savings on a train passage to Yangcheng, China in 1932 to fulfil her ambition to become a missionary. Initially she worked with an older missionary, Jeannie Lawson, to help establish The Inn of the Eight Happinesses, a hostel for muleteers.
She became a Chinese citizen in 1936 and was a revered figure among the people, taking in orphans and adopting several herself, intervening in a volatile prison riot and advocating prison reform, risking her life many times to help those in need. In 1938, the region was invaded by Japanese forces, and Gladys led over 100 orphans to safety over the mountains, despite being wounded herself. A film based on her life, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, was released in 1958, and drew from the book The Small Woman, by Alan Burgess.
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the unsung heroes
Photographs of Gladys Aylward This Is Your Life
Series 8 subjects
Rupert Davies | Kenneth Revis | Sydney MacEwan | Cleo Laine | Arthur Baldwin | Edith Sitwell | Ben Fuller | Robert Henry McIntosh